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Links to our FREE Quality Manuals
are in our Product Comparison Guides
along with 12 other FREE PRODUCT SAMPLES.
To Celebrate our
11th Year Anniversary
We're proud to offer the following products updated in January 2011:
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Our ISO 9001:2008 Starter Package includes a quality manual and 'required' procedures, forms, and
other materials you'll need to get started.
Includes everything we currently offer on ISO 9001:2008 (over 150 individual products/files). UPDATED IN JANUARY 2011.
the ISO 9001:2008 Premium Implementation Package
can be used by any organization in any industry.
Automotive Industry Products
Click below to ORDER and
Our ISO/TS 16949:2009 Starter Package includes a quality manual and 'required' procedures, forms, and
other materials you'll need to get started.
Includes everything we currently offer on ISO/TS 16949:2009 (over 150 individual products/files) UPDATED IN JANUARY 2011.
the ISO/TS 16949:2009 Premium Implementation Package
addresses QMS requirements uniquely applicable to the automotive industry.
For more details on the products in these or other packages, visit our
or Click below to
Our Product User Guides also serve as great overall IMPLEMENTATION GUIDES
Email us today ... to see if you qualify for a student, group or other discount, or ... to tell us what it will take to earn your business today!
Thousands of organizations from around the world have been satisfied with our products ... here's what a couple had to say:
"Well done! This comment doesn't come from someone trying to implement a system,
it comes from a QMS/EMS Principle Auditor who owns a company that has helped over 450
companies become certified. We've held hundreds of courses on ISO and TS
(as well as other standards) and while I probably have similar material on my shelf,
you've done a great job compiling all the TS information necessary."
Paul Robere, Robere & Associates (Thailand) Ltd.
“I wanted to let you know how well your products have worked for me. I have taken my company from no ISO 9000 update plan
on September 1 to a completed 3rd party audit on October 28! We have been recommended for registration approval by our registrar with only two minor improvement points.
I conducted auditor training, management review, an internal audit, and top management and employee training, coaching and mentoring, all in 7 weeks!
You have put together an excellent system and I am moving forward to building continual improvement with this system. Certification to the new ISO standard can be done in two months.....I did it!
I am looking for other companies (in the Central Texas area) that can use my knowledge to get certified; I feel very confident. You have helped me get there with your products!
I will continue to purchase your products every time I can find the opportunity to use them." Bruce Ford, ISO Management Representative,
Dresser Inc., Houston, TX
Click below to see what other satisfied customers had to say: